80% of the United States scars the crap out of me. My guess is, on the whole, Russia is less scary (because less to fight over). But I've never been. Anyway, I feel I need to defend the common Russian.
If U.S. automobiles weren't made with the help of German and Asian know-how they would be the same as Russian Ladas. As it is, it baffles me any American cars are sold. Japanese and German cars remain vastly superior in my book, for what that's worth.
I've been an amateur robotics inventor. Little of that stuff is designed or built here. Most of it was created in Europe. I could really get in a rant about that. I used to be a board member of the local makerspace. It's not that there aren't many incredible makers in the U.S., it's that they're surrounded by beer drinking louts and wealthy people who drive them out of the kind of city neighborhoods they'd be able to cross-pollinate in.
I always feel I have to check myself when blaming Russians for the war. Most of them, like most people in the U.S., put a flag on their truck, repeat the government line, and call it a day.