A bravura piece! At the end we part ways. The problem isn't "the elites." It's us. I know a few people who bought Teslas. Educated people. They don't see the connection between their righteousness about saving the planet and their funding a liar, cheat and operator of Ponzi schemes.
What can one do? We must be civil to each other, right? Am I to tell my friends, "You're an ahole for buying that ahole's car." I try to say that, but hard to say it strongly enough without becoming a dck.
The elites don't pay anyone on Medium. The "us" do. So if you really want to be courageous put the blame where it belongs--those who buy Elon's product day after day after day. Not saying you should do that. I guess I'm arguing you shouldn't bring the elites into it. It weakens your argument.
Delete you last paragraph is my suggestion. Your piece expertly explains WHAT he does. No need to go further.