All Americans Should Unite Behind Ukraine and Russia’s Freedom Fighters
Here in the States…
Knuckleheads to the right: Not enough good guys with guns! That’s why kids get shot in school or citizens lose their liberty. Evidence against? HAHA! The problem is that there aren’t enough good guys with guns. How will we know when we have enough good guys with guns? When the violence stops.
Knuckleheads to the left: Civilized people not regulating guns! It’s why kids get shot in school and citizens lose their lives to crazies. Evidence against? Easy! There aren’t enough gun regulations. How do we know when we have enough gun regulations and gun-free zones? When the violence stops.
And the seasons, they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We’re captive on the carousel of time
We can’t return, we can only look
Behind, from where we came
And go round and round and round, in the circle game — Joni Mitchell
Over there in Ukraine?
People getting killed by an institutionalized state-sponsored murder machine.
Putin’s corrupt regime gave guns, tanks and artillery to dirt poor, uneducated Russians from outside Moscow and St. Petersburg, where life is cheap and money non-existent. They were sent into Ukraine to destroy the Ukrainian government and military. Civilians? Private property? Women? They can do and take what they want.
The evidence of the KGB Regime’s disregard for basic human decency is overwhelming and deeply depressing. Putin has given guns to the “bad guys”. He has not enforced the civilized regulations Russia signed up for when it joined the United Nations.
Here in the U.S., both good guys with guns and civilized people wanting to regulate guns should find common cause against Putin’s evil. Unfortunately, the U.S. is run on selfishness and greed.
Those who favor guns only care about their guns. People who favor gun regulations only care about their cities.
Evil is not a bad person committing torture, murder or rape. Evil is those who stand by with guns and do nothing. Evil is those who drive around with Russian gas in their tanks while their money goes towards paying sociopaths to kill and subjugate populations through uncivilized means.
We’re in World War III because ALL the same the happened at the beginning of World War II is happening now. Almost ALL OF IT.
We can do everything we can to remove Putin’s regime from Russian society. Or we could completely separate Russia from our civilized world (not buy anything from them).
Instead, we get the bare minimum of both — just like the previous World Wars. The media speculates that Putin has cancer and Xi Jinping has brain aneurisms. Great! Now we know why they’re jerks, we can move on with our lives. And Bonus? They’ll soon be dead and we can get back to our pickle ball courts.
What happened in Bucha still happens in Ukraine, day after day, night after night, but we’ve grown tired of reading it.
Much of the world is not unlike those poor uneducated Russians. Hey China, do you have a geopolitical score to settle? Give your uneducated and poor some guns and you too can win-win to another 20 years in power!
You think the CCP gives a flying f__ about the American consumer?
When will Putin’s regime stop? When enough good guys with guns hunt down the psychopaths set loose. When societies uphold civilized principles. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen in World War II and I don’t see it happening today (though I want it to).
World War II wasn’t won by anyone. Everything that could be destroyed WAS destroyed. The large nations remained intact. If you can see one way how this time is different (other than nukes), please let me know!
America, get your head out of your gun-fetish-crypto-401k-ESG-woke ass.
Rant over.