As I read your story I think, well, that was a different time, decades ago (even though I rationally know better). Then I'll read a news story about something that happened yesterday that is exactly the same.
There's a part of me that wants to nuke Moscow to dust and if Russian missiles get through to us then, well, maybe future generations will learn. It doesn't seem 'if', it must be 'when' because we are already down that path. Why hasn't Russia been flagged a terrorist state the moment they threatened the world with nukes (again and again and again)? Sure North Korea does the same, but I feel North Korea is held in check by China, who may not be saints, but relatively speaking ;)
If we can nuke Japan to prevent millions of unnecessary deaths why not Moscow? Of course, I could only say this here.
As you pointed out in a comment, most soldiers are mercenaries of one sort or another. The knights tales tried to codify some sort of "law" in their behavior. Russia follows no laws in the Ukraine war. It is just EXACTLY as you explain it in all that arrogance and brutaility.