Daniel Hale Is My Hero: Reminding Us — We Kill Innocent Children

Max Can't Help It!
4 min readJul 28, 2021


Too bad his generation only sees racists and misogynists — but never the best among them

photo: democracy.now

I hope you will take the time to read Daniel Hale’s letter to Judge O’Grady.

In delivering his judgement, O’Grady said that Hale was “not being prosecuted for speaking out about the drone program killing innocent people” and that he “could have been a whistleblower … without taking any of these documents.” src

I’d like to know more of what Judge O’Grady said, but of course the judgment is sealed because of (cough-cough-BS!) national security. Instead of honoring Daniel Hale’s commitment to a moral code, Judge O’Grady cheapens it by suggesting an alternative — whistleblowing.

Sorry Judge, you can’t whistleblow bad policy. You can’t whistleblow an assessment that says 90% of the people killed were not intended targets.

Hale was prosecuted for his breaking the law against showing others classified information. He knew full well what he was doing and the consequences.

While Hales goes to prison, let’s rub his face in other Americans who know what it means to defend American interests. Like Simone Biles.

She didn’t feel like competing so dropped out for a day. Russia won. (Don’t flame me. She should do what she wants. It’s her life). I just want to point out that young people don’t care about American nationalism anymore. They don’t care if America looks weak to Russia.

Young Americans are only interested in their mental health. People getting killed from their tax-dollars 2,000 miles away might be something they’ll be upset about when they feel better one day.

Let’s look at the police who guard the Capital. How much does anyone care that they were defending the American government, our government. I’d cry too if I realized their level of betrayal.

The decline of American honor fell off a cliff on September 17th, 2001. It’s been in freefall every since. During the TV show “Politically Incorrect” Bill Maher said,

“We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That’s cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it’s not cowardly”

Instead of plunging the country into soul searching, advertisers forced him off the air.

Is it any surprise that 20 years later we did not build a functional State in Afghanistan? Of course not.

Americans simply no longer care about anyone else outside our borders. It’s 1910 all over again. We can’t even be bothered to give that nice lip-service I grew up with.

There are many people in the world who will die for their whatever, like the Taliban. Do you believe an Afghan gymnast would ever stop because of their mental health? Groups like the Taliban are pushing the U.S. military back behind its borders. Ironic that we still kill people with drone missiles.

Sorry if our Hellfire missile kills your family on our way out.

We kill high rates of foreign civilians because we just don’t care.


I’ve never been able to vote for a candidate who would try hard to stop the drone attacks. I voted for Obama to close Guantanamo. If it wasn’t possible to do it he shouldn’t have promised he would. Instead, Obama turned a blind eye to rampant drone strikes.

Where does Judge O’Grady believe my vote will be counted?

Daniel Hale submitted my vote. Thank you Daniel Hale.

Let me make it clear. I’m not against the military. The U.S. made Afghanistan a better place for Afghanis, especially women. But it gave up. It ended up exactly as Hale explained in his letter, a testing ground for U.S. defense industry weapons. All the men and women who tried to make the world a better place now rate as low as the Capital police.

Everyone who died in Afghanistan, trying to make it a better place, died for nothing.

It is what it is. Americans want to fight for their mental health now. I wish I could send them to live in Afghanistan as Hale did. The answer to happiness is understanding how lucky one is not to be there at the hellfire end of our “rules of engagement”.

Ah history. The false pride of being an Egyptian, Ottoman, Roman, Spaniard, Englishman, American…etc. All powers end the same. Lawfully executing lawless behavior in foreign lands. High-paid mercenaries doing the killing. The remaining military a make-work program for the poor.

After 20 years of pounding the Taliban into oblivion it isn’t the morally corrupt super-power who ends up victorious.

Daniel Hale is only the messenger. Judge Liam O’Grady and the Biden Administration are the empty-souled apologists for American immorality.

Rant over.



Max Can't Help It!
Max Can't Help It!

Written by Max Can't Help It!

Trying to connect what hasn't been connected.

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