Did you watch the video I linked to where he shows one of Lira's videos?
Again, to me this isn't a question of "content". I can't imagine him surviving, in any country, even the U.S., saying the things he did during an active war. Don't get me wrong. Free speech is my #1 most important issue. But I also recognize you can't yell "fire" in a movie theater or call soldiers of the country you're in Nazis.
Ukraine bent over backwards to tolerate him. Again, not his content, but his attitude. I'm truly surprised he survived this long. Not blaming him. Again, he has serious mental health issues. He attended Dartmouth College (an Ivy) so he's obviously super high IQ. But being smart doesn't protect against being delusional, paranoid, drawn to conspiracy theories, etc.
There's no greater proof of his mental illness that he did what he did with a wife and children (who, by the way, seem to have gotten as far away from him as they could).
Also, he was arrested and talked to at least a couple of times before the arrest where he died. NO ONE could reason with him. He was told not to break the law and he continued to do so.
Those news stories are written by 24-year-olds who don't have the time to go watch him and get that he's mentally ill, or even if they do, can they write that.
Someone should have gotten him out of Ukraine and back to Chile or the U.S. A tragedy, but we have to put that in context of the Ukrainians dying all around him.