Elon Musk is a fake scientist. Lance Ulanoff is a fake journalist. I would rather not sound like a hater, a bitter sour-graphs kind of person, but the whole hyperloop fraud angers me to no end. It angers me because the basic physics of vacuums, and our current state of material sciences, makes hyperloop what it is “all the problems of space brought down to Earth”.
It is a PR, cult-of-personality fraud perpetrated by Elon Musk who wants everyone to believe he’s a genius and fund his ultimately bankrupt businesses.
Unless there are history shattering improvements in the physics of vacuum tube construction, hyperloop is nothing but a 200-hundred old thing on wheels going down a tunnel at 28 miles per hour. From the beginning, NOTHING in what anybody has done has changed that expected outcome, and again, it makes my blood boil, that “tech experts” like Mr. Ulanoff don’t report that very simple fact.
The physicists and engineers who said it won’t work have been proven correct. The problems facing hyperloop are simple and obvious to anyone who studies vacuums and what happens to high-speed objects that hit even the smallest of objects.
Yes, SpaceX is not hyperloop. Nor is Tesla. Hyperloop is a sophomoric idea from a business entrepreneur that has WASTED the time of so many young engineers with stars in their eyes. They could be working on global warming, or better technology for current transportation, or just about anything except this cult-of-personality delusion Musk has fueled.
My friends rolls their eyes and this, but I’ll say it here. Elon Musk is to science what Donald Trump is to governance. Neither have any respect, or discipline for the constraints of each. If they have an idea, it’s great! Everyone else knows nothing.
Today is June 1st, 2019. I look forward to the future person who reads this. I assume both Musk and Trump are in jail. I have nothing against either of them. I just want them to be in jail so everyone who followed them can finally get a good, cold look at what each of the was good at, and what they weren’t.
I look forward to the day Lance Ulanoff avoids the subject of hyperloop at any cost. To be shilling for it, at this late date, with its mountains of expected failures, really says something about how much he is psychologically invested in this cult of Elon Musk. I hope all his savings are invested in TSLA so he can also one day own TSLAQ.