Enjoyed your stories! Idea for your next story? Should anyone considering a DN lifestyle watch Pinocchio? Especially the Pleasure Island part.
Dollars are scarce the world over. The scarcity may lead to failed nation states in Lebanon, South Africa, Venezuela, etc. It's one thing when a nation tolerates a DN as part of tourism, part of economic growth, quite another when it has an active interest in DN dollars--in the interest of survival.
I expect there to be a surge in DN kidnappings and other unpleasant attacks on the new colonialism you so perfectly explained.
Young people are woefully ignorant about economic and political history. They can't imagine armed men appearing at their door, pulling them from their bed, and putting them in a cell without a number, as a prisoner with no name.
Sorry to doom and gloom on your story. But a DN laughing at some restaurant in a 3rd world country should take a cold hard look at what's going on, big picture.
We may be moving straight from honeymoon to hell.