Exactly. And I would add, never reaches more than 5% of the population in common knowledge. Only with common knowledge is change possible--and even then--often fails. Take tax reform, abortion or gun laws. Humans react, they seldom, if ever, prepare for predicted changes. If we can't reduce the amount of sugar in our foods, develop a global response to a virus, how can we possibly expect people to reduce their wealth to save others? I just don't see it, sadly.
Climate change will be fixed like any other change in resources humans have experienced in the past--war. Already here. Of course, if you want to evengelize then you should. It's better than nothing. I can only speak for myself--I just don't have the energy anymore. It's too upsetting. Leaving that stuff to the young.
Instead, I feel the improvements can be made around that 5%. Maybe we can reach 5.5%, or 6% (or whatever it is). We can improve our response at the edges.
Also, I've re-read most of your pieces and have been trying to decide what your strongest argument are for me.
The strongest one, I believe, is that humans have NEVER flourished with CO2 was above 275ppm. And you make arguments that it's more than that, that certain conditions over the past few hundred years were ideal (avg temp 59f) so it's more than keeping CO2 below 275ppm, it's other factors that must be in perfect alignment.
Naysayers have to prove what technology we have that can keep us healthy on a warmer planet. It seems impossible to me because the solutions require energy from fossil fuels that create the very problem they'd be used to counteract.
You also made a point that was hazy to me and I consider myself educated. It isn't the warming that's a direct problem. Human could adapt to the heat, if it was that alone. The problem is what heat does to where water goes and doesn't go on the planet and the severity of those changes. There's no way to prevent heat from getting into the water. And there's no way to direct the water to where we want it, and away from where we don't (which China is demonstrating for all who care to look).
I'm still working through it!