First question, what exactly happened in 1948. Did the Arabs of the area leave on their own, coerced by other Arabs or driven out by Israelis? Let's leave that aside.
Why didn't Israel give citizenship to all Arabs who lived in the area say from 1930 on? At minimum, convenient that so many left and didn't become citizens, right? And what about their children? Why can't they become citizens?
Jews don't want Arabs as citizens because they understand that if there are more Arabs than Jews, and it's a democracy, they'll lose control.
Okay, bad Palestinians 30 years ago, then why no program to allow their children to become Israeli citizens?
Are you accepting everything you've read which is a very simple narrative of good Jews vs evil Islamic Arabs? Do you believe it is that simple?
Arendt, Einstein and others saw that this might happen with the Zionists. You need to look into the history.
I'm not saying Hamas or the PLO are saints. They're bad, for sure. But they also have more in common with the current Israeli government than you might see. What they're fighting over is NOT a democratic Palestine OR democratic Israel.
Zionists want you to believe the Arabs are evil so you don't look at what they're doing. Ask yourself. What good could a people be doing if they get an attack like 10/7? This is NOT a simple story. Again, think it through. Listen to yourself. IF a political faction wanted to take over all of Israel what would they want you to think?
I agree with you, there should be a one-state with all people in the area have equal citizenship. But that's never been desired by the Zionists and now they're using 10/7 as a cover to kill as many Palestinians living in Israel as possible (or send them somewhere else, anywhere else).
Putin is trying to do the same with the "European" Ukrainians in Ukraine. Many have immigrated "West". Same thing in Israel today, "democratic" Jews are leaving by the thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands.
Netanyahu is Putin. When I saw the connection recently so many things lined up.
Think, why is Netanyahu totally ignoring Biden? The reason is that he's close to joining Russia and the U.S. is holding on hope that they can get control back of Israel, perhaps when Putin falls, who knows. Complicated. I don't understand it all but I do know what I thought I knew was wrong.
Money talks and those who don't get in line, from Ukrainians to Palestinians get killed.