First, thanks for adding my story to your "bullshit" reading list. I have to follow you now!
I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I don't trust the pharma industry either. And our regulators are becoming useless.
Easy for you to write "enormous amount of evidence." Is it as easy for you to point me to a link that show the effectiveness for of the mRNA to each variant of the virus? The reason I don't believe you'll be able to send me such research is the data was NOT collected. Instead it will need to be sussed out through expensive, independent meta analysis. Why wasn't the data collected? Because the pharma industry, like all, is one where no man looks for a truth he's paid not to learn.
DNA is NOT biology. That is, we have an idea of how they're connected, but only have a tenuous understanding. Keep in mind it was argued that the mRNA vaccine would reduce transmission and actually prevent 50% of people (at best) from getting it. EVERYONE seems to get it, vaccinated or not. I'm not going to say it's bullshit to rewrite history about what it should have done but didn't ;)
I'm asking hard questions. If that's bullshit to you so be it ;) I look forward to your links!