First, to be clear, I'm not against wind farms! Far from it. They're building a massive wind farm off the coast of Boston (or nearby, forget where). My position has never been that wind farms or solar aren't usable. My view is 1) they won't power the kind of stuff that emits CO2 (like trucks, trains, ships, planes, etc) and 2) still require quite a bit of oil in their manufacture, etc. Again, not saying they shouldn't be done. But...
Reducing consumption is the only way. What person who looks at the data would argue with that? That's what makes wind and solar ultimately bad for me--they give false hope, they're a pander, a quick solution that just won't work in the end. A way for many to make money. I too have friends in the oil business who are in the wind farm business too. Why not? I know energy. The gov't is going to give me tax breaks. Sure, I'll build wind farms near by oil rigs ;)
And I feel all this has little to do with politics. Them's me thoughts!