Great essay! I believe it is too late. While the world is having trouble building enough homes for people Netanyahu destroyed most of the Palestinian ones in Gaza. Israel will have to pay to rebuild them, or run a refugee tent city which will be a long-term PR nightmare for Israel.
Even though Biden got through the aid package to Israel AIPAC, like the NRA, is no longer viable. Jews of my generation and before are dead or dying. Young Jews are horrified by what they're watching. Everyone is. Also, the aid package isn't really a gift. It's complicated. It's based on a complex set of interests from domestic politics to defense arrangements.
So the biggest thing in my mind is even for a U.S. Hawk who takes Israel's side in the Gaza invasion Israel can no longer be trusted. Netanyahu has humiliated EVERYONE (or made their life harder) who has worked with him the past year.
In short, American politician will get more votes saying they DON'T take money from AIPAC than do. Israel is on its own now and it seems few of them have really thought that through. The tsunami wave of disinvestment (for real this time) is coming and there's no stopping it now.