HAHA, first on the spelling, that was Jake Jacobs choice. He explained I think? Personally, I'll keep using maneuver. Let's talk about Lipton Tea now ;) HAHA
I thought like you did about the force numbers. However, I didn't focus on how difficult it is to remove those in heavily defended positions. Indeed, we can see that there has been very little change in Donbas or the South because it's hard for each side to dislodge each other. Trench warfare; stalemate.
Therefore, if Russia just digs in where they are it will take tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands for Ukraine to remove Russia from all of Ukraine. Military experts have been saying this from the beginning but media glosses over it and I get all starry eyed about all the modern weapons, etc., etc.
Or, it's one thing to take out a recon mission or a supply line. Quite another to over-run a well dug in army.