Hello Rachit. It's not nice to call people names. Moving on. People don't want to read stories that don't get the emotionally involved. Every business is a rack to me. Every "profession" tries to exclude others one way or another.
I envy young people? Only because they're young in years--no other reason.
I'm 62 so have had say 40 years of experience. How much experience have you had? Just because CoPilot take away 80% of current jobs it doesn't mean those people won't find work in different jobs. I didn't write that part of the equation this article because I write to foster thought, not prove a large economic model.
I am a seasoned software engineer. You can go look at some of my github stuff if you want under maxrottersman. Most of it, of course, isn't public. I've been doing "automation" for 40 years.
NONE OF THAT MAKES ME A FORTUNETELLER. All I'm saying in this story is we're undergoing another earthquake. Lots will be destroyed and all of it rebuilt to be better.
I like your energy!!!