Hi Gary? Why should we vote to prevent an uncertain future? We don't know if Trump will win, or if he does, what he might do?

Biden. Left Afghanistan people, especially women, who believed we would protect them to who knows what.

Biden. Made almost no effort to negotiate a quick end to the Ukrainian war.

Biden. Gave bombs to Israel even after it was obvious to everyone they were killing women and children with it and destroying people's homes (70%).

Biden. Just created a 100% Tariff on EVs to sway enough black autoworker votes to secure Michigan (at the expense of the environment and a whole lot more). It won't work anyway.

Biden. Is obviously too old to deal with any crisis that comes up, which we know, because he can't deal with them now.

I could go on ;)

I respect your logic. That is mine. Cheers!

Max Can't Help It!
Max Can't Help It!

Written by Max Can't Help It!

Trying to connect what hasn't been connected.

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