Hi Jack. First, this is a story inspired by Jake who is focused on the land war. I don't believe the land war means much anymore.
I don't see anyone doing a peace deal with Putin. Unless Russia gets full-industrial capacity help from China I cannot see how it wins against the West. It's taking longer than anyone hoped (for a resolution one way or another) but basic math hasn't changed. Russia is fighting against a group 10x stronger than it is.
China doesn't mind watching Russia tie up the Western arrogant SOBs. Put that aside, China does not want a strong Russia. No country wants that of its neighbor.
I believe the media is making a story out of nothing. Ukraine can hold the current line with little cost in lives. It's harder for Ukraine because, like all "democracies" it can't as easily force men to the front.
From the beginning of the war I haven't seen ONE successful effort of the Russians to take territory. Shelling every building and dropping hyperbaric bombs and make a city the same flat wasteland as that which surrounds it for hundreds of miles gains nothing but something for people to wring their hands when looking at a map.
Ukraine, on the other hand, has improved in every area that counts. Destroying Russia's high value targets. It now hits everywhere in Russia. There is no part of Ukraine or Russia that Ukraine can't hit. It has driven Russia's Navy out of the Black Sea.
Russia can no longer cause political problems by threatening nuclear war.
I didn't watch Putin's "interview" because I've watched him say the same stuff before. He's deluded. His "history" lessons show nothing but weakness and fear. Russians grew to love him because he brought economic prosperity to Russia. He's going out the same way.
The only reason he wouldn't is I can't predict shit ;)