Hi Scott, you've inspired me for my next piece. I beleive we ARE in WWIII, so the big guns should be sent in if one believes that's the way to stop this conflict. I don't see that Putin will negotiate any more than Hitler did. Not saying Putin is Hitler, only that he's too whacked out now to reason with.
The West wants to get back to its internal politics. What conflict is there to de-escalate frome? Russia is blowing up everything it can in Ukraine. I marvel at the "Russians" in Donbas who believe they're going to get "liberated". Russia wants to own Ukraine, no ifs, ands or buts.
There are many in Europe and the U.S. who couldn't care less what happens to Ukraine--wish in a way that Russia took it, if that's what it wanted to keep the gas flowing. Think of the kid taken off the plane diverted to Belarus by fighters, tortured and in prison. The West turned a blind eye and continues to do so.
Those who recognized that Germany would never negotiate for anything in WWII were proven to be correct. The same is true for Russia and China today. Neither can be reasoned with.
thanks for giving me stuff to rant on ;)