How am I supposed to respond to "you do benefit from [it]" How would you respond? Whatever advantage you have in the world, and you must have something, what should you do? If you're attractive should you disfigure yourself? If you have more friends than me should you get rid of some?
Anyway, what should I do to NOT benefit from it?
What people really mean when they say such things, please don't get mad at me, is that they can make a statement as the disadvantaged which the advantaged should allow to stand. Sorry, to me that is not true respect. If I insult someone, I want to know it. I expect the same. I found a part of your story insulting (and intellectually wanting). I explained why. That is out of respect to you because I view us as equals.
I am aware of the history. The "whites" are only people who lived in a certain area for long enough for the pigment to change. Maybe their intelligence for certain other things too (we can't go there right?). What proof do you have that whiteness is a true difference between Europeans and Africans, and isn't an odd artifact of northern people?
What if we ARE ALL equal. Just hear me out. You have Group A who invents steam engines and then an industry around them, which builds powerful weapons, and then group A travels south to get the fuels and materials they need to power more engines and make more weapons. That's true right? I mean, that's really the business end of it. What does skin color have to do with it? You think it would have been different if everyone in the Global South was white?
Even following your logic when have white subjugated blacks for the sake of subjugation? And who brought the blacks of Africa to the slave ships? Were they whites? No. They could have been. Don't get me wrong. My point is that fear and greed ultimately drive everyone, or can.
Skin color distracts us from our truer natures that we need to mitigate.