I believe you misunderstand U.S. support over Israel. It is not to help Israel succeed as a liberal democracy (though we tell ourselves that). It's to keep the Arabs down. Russia supported Israel early on, and it was the same calculus. Israel as a spearhead to advance Russian control in the area (still happening through Syria).
If the above didn't factor in U.S. support would have been pulled a long time ago. I believe Gaza and the West Bank are split because Israel wants them that way, and the U.S. too (divide and conquer).
Americans love winners. Part of Patton's speech that's as true today (among the old). So many Americans have liked Israel simply 'cause she kicks ass. But young Americans identify more with the underdog. Another area overcomplicated and misunderstood.
As I say to an Israeli friend who shares many of your views, if you think you can wait until "later" with Netanyahu and the government you are kidding yourself (IMO). HAMAS is not an existential threat to Israel it itself. It IS part of the complex geopolitics we've been talking about. Tip of the iceberg.
Netanyahu's original calculus with Hamas, that it was a pressure value that could be managed, was right (though I don't believe a good strategy). Once it is gone Israel has NO plan whatsoever. Rather, there is a "plan", but it can lead to the Israel I've theorized in some of my pieced, though don't predict.