I don't know what the pubic knew about the U2 program at the time. I haven't read the history. But I do know the USSR knew the planes were flying overhead and were trying repeatedly to down them. I believe a Russian pilot even died from asphyxiation trying to engage it.
Did the public know about Powers suicide pill? I doubt it. Anyway, there is no diplomatic solution to national espionage. All the superpowers do it. It's ongoing. Will never cease. So the question is, why do governments inform the public about some things and not others?
Reasons can be A) want to galvanize people against another country to prepare the way for war, if it comes to it B) to humiliate another nation in international relations. Reason 'C', that the public has right to know. Well, you said it yourself. We're told little.
Focusing on why the DOD would do this or that is not relevant to my rant. My point isn't that, it's the political reasons behind disclosing what has so far been disclosed.
Biden's son was part of the very corruption Ukraine has been wrestling with and irritated Russia. The CIA is certainly not interested in a strong Russia and never has been. U.S. policy has always been to weaken Russia. If you disagree Dylan, please let me know. Can the U.S. get Russia out of Ukraine quicker by focusing on it or getting into a conflict with China? You tell me.
Trump didn't response to Iran shooting down a million dollar drone so I doubt he'd care about a balloon. Anyway, I'm SURE Trump was told about the balloon and everything else that the DOD briefs the President on. The difference is he could NOT care less because he doesn't receive any funding, or deals, from the defense industry. Honestly, I half expected them to assassinate him. I know, crazy talk. Anyway, Trump was a moron like you say, but the kind of moron that avoids war because of his narcissism.
Biden is deeply corrupt. It's a VERY BITTER pill to swallow. Even for me. Maybe I'm wrong and he's the thoughtful person you say he is.
I'm surprised, after a year, you haven't noticed how he uses every excuse in the book to keep Ukraine strong enough to keep Russia from taking Kyiv and Odessa, but NOT strong enough to actually defeat Russia. When I say he, I don't mean Biden himself (who is an empty suit) but the defense/oil/military interests telling him what they want.
They want Russia weakened in an orderly way so they can get back to exploiting Siberia and force China into the "best deal" as Trump might say.
Just as my tax dollars go towards killing people in Yemen they now go to killing Russians AND Ukrainians in Ukraine. How Biden handled the Balloon incident shows part of the hand he's playing. But maybe you're right and I'm an idiot (not your word I understand).Another mini rant. Thanks for the inspiration!