I go there...
By submitting a vulnerability to The New York Times through ResponsibleDisclosure.com, you agree to the Terms of Service.
"Terms of Service". So the person trying to HELP YOU is supposed to be signing legal forms? Ooookaaayy. Right away, the NYT is making it difficult to improve security. You've ALREADY lost to the lawyers.
Seem to be doing the exact counter-productive behavior you explained in your piece.
There should be a box for anonymous tips. like
My friend works at the NYC, I think in your stats depts, and he says he can bring you whole system down and he's on drugs.
How helpful is that. Don't know. But it's better than nothing?
I applaud what you're trying to do.
While I'm here, your tip page begins "Do you have the next big story? Want to share it with The New York Times? "
No wonder most people don't trust the news. Are you interested in news or sensationalism?
The file should have more stuff on security, even if it's the top 5 places to report stuff too.
Anyway, good luck.