I have listened to the Russian argument. I wrote about it in the beginning. If it's a proxy war why does Russia keep insisting it's de-nazifying Ukraine. Does razing all the cities de-militarize Ukraine? They can call it a "mission" till they're blue in the face, I don't buy it--no more than I bought WMD's behind the Iraq invasion. Russia tried to take over all of Ukraine. It failed. And it won't hold any of that territory in a stable way until all Ukrainians are dead. As I wrote elsewhere, if the U.S. slows down in weapons deliveries Ukrainians and others will move right into Russia and work the terrorism card.
You fell for Russian propaganda hook line and sinker. You take for granted your ability to write freely here on Medium or anywhere else. No one is de-humanizing Russia. Russia is de-humanizing itself starting with the 260+ children its killed. Or the widespread theft and destruction of personal property. Putin is inhuman. His regime living in a delusional bubble of Russian power. ALL THIS happen before WWII. So many rationalizing behaviors while ignoring the facts right before them.