I love your passion Paul! But I'll sick with that sad, lonely reason you mentioned for the XTSLA camp--Teslas have lost their panache. It doesn't matter what your margin is if you can't produce a car people want at the price they want it at the scale you build it. Tesla is being attacked from the top end and low end.
Let's talk low-end. When Chevy discontinues the Bolt to make EV pickup trucks that should tell you a lot about the market for "cheap" EVs. There is no market. They can't compete with cheap ICE. Until the infrastructure is there I don't see inexpensive EVs gaining real market share over ICE and Hybrids.
Let's talk high end. Have you seen those Volvos? Sweet? Or Mustangs? Teslas look dated to me and plasticky. 30 competitors now.
All manufacturers, when desperate, lower prices to empty their inventory. Otherwise, people notice, it appears on the balance sheet, etc. There were a bunch of people dreaming of a Tesla, they lower prices to a level those people promised they'd jump on, and they did.
Once that group is exhausted I don't see the Cybertruck saving Tesla. It began ugly, now the final version is even uglier. It'll sell well for a year, then that will be in the end. It'll be a collectable in 20 years. So I'm not all negativity! HAHA