I loved this piece, but I don't follow your logic that what happens to Sri Lanka will happen to the U.S. The strength of currencies are based on what stands behind them in goods, services and military power. The U.S. is energy and food self-sufficienct and has strong laws for anyone with money here (foreigners) . And it has the military to get any resource it needs. The U.S. has destroyed Iraq and much of the Middle East indirectly. I've been waiting to feel that pain--but like you say, I just get fatter.
For me, the issue is humanitarian. The more powerful nations should help the less self-sufficient. Sure, the politicians were/are corrupt, but the economic forces/changes are so large I can't put it all at their feet. Anyway, there's little they can do even if they wanted to. Like in Cuba, maybe their assets will be nationalized. Will it change much?
Also, I believe we're in WWIII conditions. So for that, we need to help all the countries you mention.
Anyway, again, currency strengths relative to other currencies are the symptom, not the disease! And, again, great piece!