I so want to agree with you! We have never been in Yemen. That's Saudi Arabia's concern. They've just used U.S. weapons and support to carry out their missions. If they don't, they fear Iran will gain too much control, or an unfriendly government in Yemen.
Neither WW I or II , or most wars I believe, begin as a direct fights between superpowers. Most wars begin as battles between their smaller allies.
Emotions are important, as you mention in your last piece! Watch some geopolitical commentary from either an Indian or Pakistani. They are off-the-charts hating each other ;)
With the U.S. out of Afghanistan India will have to respond to Pakistan's reach through Afghanistan. Or Pakistan will try to cut the Taliban down to size to stop its own Pashtuns from getting ideas in their heads. Kashmir? Don't forget that? China will try to thread the needle.
Anyway, we are out of the ME. That's been the trend from Obama on. We don't care about the oil. But others do. A lot. Germany thought it could win WWII with synthetic oil (coal oil). That got everyone thinking straight.
I see it happening all over again.
But really, I HOPE YOU'RE RIGHT! For my kids sake.