I'm no elite and have brought up three kids so can understand your frustration. You're not facing anything new here. There have been half empty residential buildings in NYC for as long as I can remember. I'm sure the same is true for London.
And you're not the first one to blame the "elites" without explaining how they get away with it. You live in a democracy right? Vote high taxes for empty occupancy. What so hard about that? Why make me out to be the bad guy?
I've written many articles on Medium trying to explain why we are making bad decisions. What more can I do? Only so many hours in the day.
AirBnB didn't get to where it is on the backs of "elite" greed. It became what it is from the decisions OUR peers made, our friends, family, neighbors. BTW, our town, Cambridge (US) does require owner occupancy.
I truly love your writing. I've been down the road in 2003. You believe you'll fight AirBnB or the elites and your reader will reward you and recognize what you did. That didn't happen for me. You'll ignore me. But I hope you'll come back and read this comment in 10 years. As for a house. If you really want it go work for AirBnB in communications. I knew I had that choice at least. I don't mean to be glib about your situation. Be careful. If you believe the elites don't care about you wait until you ask your friends for help. https://maxrottersman.medium.com/the-wall-street-journal-couldnt-handle-the-truth-5592a62520f4