I'm not blaming anyone, just pointing out what I see. I hold Israel to a higher standard of behavior. They also have the money and military power. The Palestinian Muslims in Israel aren't going to call for a stop because they are a minority. Israel is for Jews first. Why don't you go into an Orthodox community and ask them to stop hating on gays ;) See what the response is.
I agree with you that a one state solution is the best solution. Why don't Palestinians want to be part of Israel? If you're gay, I think you know that answer better than I ever could.
How much of the problem is Iranian (or external Arab) meddling--funding terrorists and feelings of being wronged. How much of the problem is Israel just not trying hard enough? What do you think?
I believe it was meddling in the beginning. Then Israeli greed in the past 30 years. Again, I'm not singling out Israel as some unique bad nation. The same root problems of greed and political simplifications are everywhere.