I'm not making an argument that anyone has more or less of a right to any land. Yes, everyone has moved somewhere from somewhere. The Zionists won, the Arabs lost. Believe it or not, I'm okay with that.
But then what? Should those 750,000 Arabs commit suicide? What were they to do? What options did they have. Saying other Arab nations should take them is absurd. Do we argue Canada should have taken the Native Americans? The Zionist got what they wanted but not all of it. They could have given those Arabs Israeli citizenship whether they wanted it or not. But they didn't. I understand the rational why they didn't, but let's not pretend it was a God given directive. Or that it wouldn't have worked. We don't know. Israel made the decisions it made.
And we still don't know if Israel gave all Palestinians full citizenship, with the right to travel wherever and whenever they please, that after five years of hundreds of various terrorist attacks Israel would settle down into a thriving vibrant Nation we all hope it becomes.