I'm white, live in the West, have no feeling for "manifest destiny" or "omnipotent God". I've met Chinese Republicans and White Budhists. I don't see the world split between East and West. Of course, different areas follow different customs but at the end of the day, everyone wants a phone to talk to their friends and family.
The tech in a phone, the tower, the network, is made by every race, religion, gender, etc., etc. Tech is blind to all that stuff.
Peopl are free in any country to go live out in the woods and live off the land. Why would Sri Lankans want to "prove that humans can be useful to any geographic location."? Why can't any Sri Lankan choose if they want to live off the land or be part of a global community?
Anyway, Sri Lanka did try to live off the land more than others, by not using fertilizers and pesticides and they ended up hungry. Why? My guess is Sri Lanka can't feed 20 million people without fertilizer (few places can). Should many starve until the population drops to a sustainable amount? Anyway, I don't know all the facts or have all the answers.
Apparels, textiles and IT are not extractions, they are skilled labor. Do they have no place in Sri Lanka?