Israel doesn't seem to understand that the failure of sticks is why the U.S. left Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. is lucky that when they leave they can put 3,000 miles between them and those thinking revenge.
The Zionists believe the U.S. fully backs them--unconditionally. I don't believe that's true and has never been true. It's why Israel didn't do what it's doing now. But now Zionists believe the U.S. must help Israel because of the Christian Zionists or to maintain global hegemony or whatever.
No tears are shed for Nasrallah in the U.S. But as they say, better the devil you know than the devil you don't. It wasn't Hezbollah that ripped off the Lebanese. Remember when Macron visited Lebanon. Big and powerful France--not.
Sorry for the ramble but Israel can't afford the arms it will need in the following decades to police Lebanon and Gaza. It has nothing to sell. American Jews will grow wary of funding a genocide, whatever the truth of that statement.
The Israel government is probably, like Russia, doing everything it can to protect the local currency.
One day, its creditors will come calling. All businesses that can leave Israel are leaving Israel (nothing personal). But they can see the tax bill coming!
That, not its "enemies" will be its downfall. Hope you're doing well!