Medium is a community, right? We talk about each other's stories. I'm of two minds when I see a comment I feel is long on emotion. Why antagonize someone? On the other hand, shouldn't I speak up? I too would like to see the Palestinian situation improved. But I feel the narrative that "their land was stolen from them" is counter-productive. Believe it or not, I get VERY angry that so many young Palestinians live in a virtual prison because of shit that happened decades ago. I am beyond lucky to have been born in a time and place where I have many opportunities.
Israelies shoot to kill anyone who takes out a knife or gun and starts trying to kill others. As for ripping down their homes, I do NOT agree with that policy. But I understand it. Again, do NOT agree with it, but it isn't a simple issue.
When Israel started building the walls decades ago I was very much against it and I believe it will be Israel's ultimate undoing. But there will be no winners. Call me naïve, but I believe if Israel tore down the walls and gave everyone full citizenship Israel would be stronger than ever in a decade (if it survived the initial civil war).
If I have written anything to offend you I am sorry. I am sorry if I come across as condescending. We all have personality traits that we wish we didn't have.