'No'? Not what I was expecting. If he divorced your Mom couldn't HE have left for the U.S.? Wasn't it harder for him to send you to study abroad than it is for you to send your kids to tennis camp? I had a very difficult relationship with my Dad. We'd go for months or years without talking. But he understood me. He never once didn't take my call or hang up on me.
I look at that photo... who is bursting with pride and love to be with that grumpy Russian on the left?
I'm just a reader, but your Dad is a hero to me.
George Soros' biography is also interesting concerning his Dad, who was smothering, according to Soros. Soros writes as if that was holding him back. I read thinking, 'I think the evidence is on your Dad's side Mr. Gazillionaire, that Soros’ Dad knew more about how to make (someone) successful than the son who became it.