Thanks for comment, Bill. I clarified in story that this is my opinion only and most don't agree. Until I see a breakdown of deaths by variant type, age, morbidities, which shots, etc., I'm taking that 20 million reduced deaths with a handful of salt.
Once the governments gave the pharma companies blank checks in money and liabilities no one wants to find out what happened. What's done is done. As long as the vaccines didn't kill enough people to be noticed (if they did indeed do that, I don't know) then best to move on because, again, nothing we can do about it now.
I got 3 shots. I'm not anti-vaxxer. But I'm not going to take the pharma industry's word for anything. Not a bunch of people that sat by while tens of thousands died from opioids.
Hope that clarifies what I wrote. Thanks for comment!