Thanks for comment Opher! If I said half a million would be killed or maimed in Ukraine a couple of years ago many would have said BS then. That doesn't mean I'm right here. I say it because we won't know until the dust settles.
Of course, Israel can't afford to lose 90,000 soldiers so it would never get that far. I'm exaggerating to make a point. The point that Israel must sacrifice a lot of soldiers to eradicate Hamas.
Also, the benefit of bombing is that it costs nothing in an Israeli life and if it gets even 1 Hamas fighter than it's worth it, no matter what the cost in civilians. That's NOT how I'd do it. I only point it out because of it's second benefit.
The large number of deaths, of everyone, obscures the deaths and injuries to Israeli soldiers. It take the conversation away from their casualties.
I don't like to see any young person killed. I know you feel the same. All so tragic.