The clever people of the world need to recognize that they need to do a better job of taking care of those who are not so clever. Israel is a land of nothing. So the Jews must have been very clever to make it into something. They cleared away the poor, not so clever people into Gaza and the West Bank as efficiently as a diesel earth mover. Then when they protested (with the help of outside money, complex issue of course) the Jews built a wall around them.
The Israelis who recognized the problem that integration is the ONLY solution have died off or are not marginalized. Most Israelis today are rich, spoiled and entitled.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't a "jewish" strategy. It is the same strategy all over the world. The unique problem for Israel is that land is at a premium so they bottled up their poor in a greater concentration than other places. Further, Israel is surrounded by nations of not-so-clever people who are envious just like anyone else. We have the same "palestinians", they're just spread out.
All us clever people of the world are deluded if we think we can talk democracy while using cleverness to ghettoize the people's we don't need. This has been going on for a while (just like pre WWII).
The long term solution is for Israel to recognize its horrible policy of containment and to work towards making a real life for Palestinians. NOT cheap words that THEY can do it they want. For the Jews to HELP them do it in a real way. To provide real pathways to citizenship. To police democracy in their region.
I don't see that happening. The time has passed.
Instead, the Jews will kill off those Palestinians and then other nations in the region, also having their "Palestinian" problem will fan their hatred and turn them toward Israel and Israel will spend generation after generation, again, fighting off the unclever people of the region who see no future.
Perhaps the U.S. will "hire" Israel to fight Iran. In this, Israel is, in not seeing this future, as un-clever as can be.