The Maccabees, the Bar Kokhba revolt, there's been war in that region for thousands of years. Why you believe Israel will survive in its current form is troubling to me ;) Over and over again, Jews fight with their neighbors and eventually a superpower moves in and ends the Jewish State. That isn't antisemitism, that's history, hard, cold and non-nostalgic.
Much of what you say is propaganda used over the decades to get support. I'm okay with that! Go Israel! I want Israel to prosper. But Jews in Israel mismanaged their affairs and instead of readjusting their approach after 10/7 they've doubled down on the same poorly thought out behavior that led to every other Jewish State loosing its grip on power.
Blame Arabs all you want. I don't see how 10 million Israelis will ultimately survive by calling over 600 million Arabs evil. No matter who you prefer or who is good or evil. Is anything fair? Oh well.