The only difference between public and private debt is the first is created by a government corporation and the second a private corporation. Both types of debts are intermingled. In the end, does it make a difference what entity holds the debt? At the atomic level, it’s held by mostly American individuals. Also, all credit card debt is backed by treasuries (public debt) — you need to do more research.
I have three daughters, all who had had, or still have student loan debt. None of them complain about the system being unfair. You confuse politicians and media pundits who make a big deal of it. It isn’t the student debt kids dislike, it’s opportunity — like everywhere else in the world.
However, that opportunity is tremendous in certain fields, which is why many of your peers want to move here.
You don’t think the U.S. is tolerant, but you don’t live here. Only young people, or academics, who love to hear themselves talk, point out “structural racism” How many immigrants move to Sri Lanka every year? Who lives across the street from you? I can’t walk a mile without running into someone from almost every part of the globe.
Sorry, our real life “structural tolerance” is off the charts.
Anyone is totally free to speak about structural racism. Indeed some do. But they are a very small part of the population.
Sure, there are “structural” issues that always need to be addressed, from the beginning of time. But people move to the U.S. despite it. American Blacks did not move en masse to Liberia. You dismiss this huge voting machine cavalierly.
You’re happy to buy machinery from the U.S. that many minorities worked to create but you call them 2nd class citizens under a “structurally racist” system. In the past year two of my bosses have been black women.
Why do you speak for others? One should only speak for oneself. If you believe Sri Lanka does not have structural racism, and is a model the U.S. can follow. GREAT! Tell us all about it.
It’s easy to criticize others.