There's a difference, for me at least, between what I can make comprehensible and what is a deep insight. These are deep insights to me. There's no way I can make them deep insights to you. And perhaps if God came down he would settle the matter once at for all and say--Max is full of nonsense.
Let me approach the matter from a different angle. I am challenging your assumption that your analysis is independent. You seem to have accepted as truth that you're not a racist and have made good arguments about what racism is and how it can be dealt with.
I believe you're a racist. I'm one too. We're all racist. That is to say, we all separate others into US vs THEM. This is biology through all living things. A hen, upon seeing a wolf for the first time, doesn't believe a wolf will ever be her friend.
Anyway, this is the obstacle I TRY TO FACE, for myself, every day. How can I be comprehensible to others if I speak about knives and oranges together when everyone else speaks about oranges and apples together?
If I'm trying to get at un-comfortable truths (releasing people from prison).
You want to be objective so you say "I don't think black people should be given any preferential treatment because they have black skin."
I'd like you to think on that REALLY HARD.
You're moved the question from what are the reasons blacks are imprisoned to what are the reasons they should be released.
Where I've named one reason for the disproportionate representation of blacks in prison, you've cited many. "Incomprehensible Max" has stated a very simple evaluation and yet he's wrong because he doesn't understand a bunch of vague issues?
Releasing blacks from prison is not "artificially manufacturing a parity", it is artificially removing the cumulative effects of racism. Does that mean the blacks who go free won't commit more crimes? No. It has nothing to do with that.
I very much appreciate the time and effort you're taking in trying to understand what I'm getting at.
My argument is whatever the problems with racism, if we reduce prison populations we'll have to confront and solve them right-away! That may not be possible. Who knows! Again, I'm not arguing that it is a fix. But I am arguing, at least to me, that the blacks in prison are as close to PURE RACISM as you can get.
Charles Murray (and other) just wrote a book (partially) about it and he's a devil. No one reads the book. They already understand everything that needs to be understood. Blows my mind!
Everyone is afraid of releasing people from prison. Their fear makes me incompressible. It's a fear I share and makes me incomprehensible to myself too.