This is the story I read about your Dad.
Man is born during a period of economic depression and world war. He tries to have children but is met with almost Job-like suffering. Then he has you, and your brother?
He tries to give his kids opportunities he never had and which the kids will never appreciate not having been born during depression and war.
We're all prisoners of our resentments.
He has to move to a French speaking place as a grown man. Did he speak French already? If not, talk about even more isolation.
His kid rejects him at an early age.
He watches MASH as the life we wish he had. It isn't just a small entertainment. It's almost his only pleasure, his only escape from a life of failure.
He can't connect to his son because his son feels he earned all his accomplishments. The father was not needed.
The father did nothing but hold his kid back.
That is the story I read. Of course you won't adopt me ;)
I LOVED the story, just be clear. Very touching and full of funny bits.