Ultimately, a military is the extension of a nation's purpose. If the purpose of most individuals in a nation is only to bring the right weapons to a video game, to kill most effectively then there are larger problems than screening for radicals.
The problem to me isn't that they let in a gun bunny, but that our culture has nothing else better for them to do. In my 20s and 30s the U.S. military was looked at as the humanitarians of the World. going around, helping other nations from earth quakes, or intervening in war (Bosnia, etc). Now they have no purpose. Nature abhors a vacuum. I miss those days.
The irony is the U.S. can't save the World. But if it doesn't TRY to save the world than it ends up LOSING itself.
BTW, I look forward to your comment on my latest story on this. https://maxrottersman.medium.com/teixeira-arrest-illustrates-f-b-i-stunning-incompetence-d1196305a0b1?source=friends_link&sk=8498cdcf0180bd583a4c058e6e017694