Walls never work anywhere. That's the fundamental problem with many Israelis. The comments are all the 8,000 reasons why you're wrong, but not a recognition that in this, it is all that matters (of course, just my opinion). History no longer matter. Israel has grown a generation, cut off from history and the world, 2 million of them, and expects them to be reasonable from their prison.
Israel could have granted citizenship to everyone equally, but it has chosen not to. I'm not arguing they should have, only that no one should beat up on someone (like you) and pretend it wasn't possible.
The wall was the easiest solution and the Israeli's took it. It might as well be a lab experiment. What happens when a nation builds a prison for 2 million people when it is surrounded by others who don't exactly love it either (the understatement of all time).
I love Israel. But the Israel I loved is gone. It has been taken over by the same clerics as Iran 44 years ago. Different religion. Same thought process. I've been expecting Israel's clerics to have it out with Iran's clerics. Looks like Israel will have to go through Gaza first, an unforced error ;)
The smart secular Israelis and Arabs can't stop this. I believe this will drag on far longer than expected and will probably be forgotten as the next place in the world goes to war.
Also, this is the history of the Jews. One of them says "I will wreck vengeance on my enemies" and God answers back, "know your place."