Watching some videos of buildings the Russians live in, in the North, I was surprised by how messy they were. The soldiers must have been complete slobs, no discipline. And the photos of trucks taking appliances, or soldiers sending stuff home in Belarus. The “professional” Russian Army is long gone, I now believe.
I understand there is a lot of propaganda. I understand I see most things that make the Russians look bad. Nonetheless, there is just SO MUCH of it. The Moskva is just another case in point. I always thought the ship looked like a joke.
For the past 10 years all I see of Putin’s regime and the military are the same dozen guys basically. Compare that to the West where different people come and go.
So I see the opposite you do. I see a completely corrupt, undisciplined, flat-footed, mess of military equipment that will be slowly reduced to scrap by a technologically sophisticated West. I mean, that’s what I see now. I see not a single sign of intelligence in anything the Russians have done.