We all have biases and frameworks. For example, I believe the individual comes first. That's how most Americans think. So any story about geopolitics in the West will generally fit into that framework.
In Asia, society comes first. When general media talks about Asia, generally its in the context of their being free to be democratic. But the truth is, most of Asia is not democratic, or individualist, like we are. If there is a conflict between us and Asia, our media will report it as a problem of their authoritarianism. There's some truth to that, of course, but often it's not how Asians see it.
In China, they would write about gun violence in the U.S. as proof we're all violent with no respect for others. And by extension, no respect for Asians. Element of truth?
Here's a story where I go into some of the arcana of how the media works from my first hand experience.