When I was young I saw what you saw, I think. But no more. As I've said countless time, it would have been inconceivable for a Jew back then to call another Jew an antisemite. Chase them in their German car (Marathon Man), sure, but never that.
Maybe I'm just too old to notice, but the bright young people I meet are Asians (including Indians), and well, just seems random to me. In my day Jews believed in the study of science. To think in Israel people believe studying the Torah is the same thing makes me laugh, sorry.
Struggle makes people stronger. My experience these pas few decades is too many Jews have made their struggle a fake one against fake enemies (antisemites, history, etc). In my day Jews had a real struggle on their hands--to be able to buy a car or a house. To get their kids into a top college--which only became possible for my generation onwards I believe (I'm 62). They accomplished that in spades as they say.
I think we agree what's going to happen next. We differ in why. You read history as antisemites will always kill the Jews when they succeed. I read it as Jews will always kill the golden goose when they get one. I understand that for you that is the definition of a self-hating Jew, antisemite. But I hope we remain friends!