When I wrote in one of my stories "I touch every 3rd rail" I wasn't being truthful. Ultra Orthodox Jews (ones who clearly look like Jews (Hasidic clothes, etc.), those who build communities that are insular and don't assimilate, that's what you're talking about.
Why do most leaders, from most parts of the world, wear a Western suit? Biden, Xi, Putin, Netanyahu, the President of Iran--all the same outfit? Yet have you seen an ultra orthodox wearing the same look?
Muslims who wear their traditional clothes everywhere and stick together in the West will eventually be persecuted like ultra orthodox Jews. Who knows what a Jew really is? Jews don't know? At least none that I've asked. They all hem and haw and ultimately say tradition, or ethnic history etc.
Anyone who assimilates in a Nation will be left alone. Nazi Germany was a special case at the end of a brutal world war. Those who pretend they don't have to get involved with local politics, don't have to bleed with their countrymen, so to speak, nothing good will come to them.
So I imagine it was in Portugal. People left the Jews alone until Portugal was threatened. Then it was you're with us or against us. People aren't nice then.
Anyway, that's my view. How do you disagree? Thanks for interesting comment!