When it comes to hypocrisy, the U.S. has no competitors--can't argue with you there!
The effort to ban TikTok has nothing to do with the public issues you wrote about. For the past few decades, western companies used China for slave-labor and off-shoring of pollution. The markups on Chinese goods made many billionaires. The Chinese, looking for their own angle, used the technology they learned (or were inspired by) to create knockoffs. The West knew it was happening at the time but the cost of policing it wasn't worth the cost in lost revenues.
Fast forward 30 years and Western products are no longer growing in profit. When is the last time you saw a line for an iPhone?
Are Western branded products better than Chinese branded products? Not that I can see. So we should lie n the bed we made, right?
Of course not! I agree with everything you wrote except the mechanics. It isn't about prejudice or security. It's simply about blaming China for our problems. A human nature thing. It will only get worse. War is inevitable. And China is no saint either. They can't accept that their society does not naturally breed invention. We can't open up our monopolies and Chines can't open up its society. The wealthy of the world play their entitlement card in front of Congress or wherever.
TikTok, Balloons, can't make this shit up!
Also, they'd rather talk about this than climate change!