Yes, there are some like that. Was Trump elected because he kept repeating the same truth? Every politician does that. I believe, and most educated Americans probably agree, Trump wasn't elected because people agreed with his conspiracy theories but because those theories made Hillary Clinton (and Obama) out to be evil. That's a detail that is probably lost on people outside the U.S.
You underestimate the hatred many in the U.S. have for Democrats.
Being mostly a New Yorker, I have been familiar with Trump for decades. When I was young no one even expected that a New Yorker could get elected President, much less Trump.
There's always been a strong anti-government population in the U.S. It used to be pretty tame, Republicans against tax increases or regulations. Democrats for school lunches. It's morphed into an all out war between the haves and have nots. Trump was an eye-opener to say the least!
The same is happening in Europe. Disenfranchised people supporting anyone who blames someone else. Okay, hopefully we're even on comments ;)