You of all people! You're one data point. How do you know the symptoms wouldn't have subsided the same without Paxlovid. You're making Paxlovid into some miracle drug--which it might be, but you need to show the science that everyone who took it essentially 3 days after the first symptoms did better than those who didn't.
What are the side effects of Paxlovid? Or mRNA vaccines? No one really wants to know so it will take time to find out.
I'm again shocked how you're reading the Pfizer study. 5 or 10 people out of a group of 567 is not statistically meaningful from the start. Simplifying, what they're saying is for every 100 people 1 had severe Covid and 2 out of another set of 100 (without Paxlivid) did not. The numbers are too small. You're focused on the 1 vs 2, instead of the 1 in one hundred.
Your wife also took Paxlovid too late, IMHO.
I agree with you Covid research is a shit show. That's because most research is basically vetted by the pharma companies. They're not interested in the truth. They're interested in money and they've never said otherwise. The government should have sent out Vitamin D pills, but they didn't. You couldn't even get a free mask in every store. If the government could have been any more useless I'm not sure how! Just my opinion.
I'm still waiting for definitive studies that say the vaccines prevented X deaths over the natural reduction of deaths due to the virus weakening.
Rant over ;) Hey, hope you're doing well!