You were right the first time. We don't have a vaccine. We have a flu shot for Covid. Reduces symptoms, that's all. My old-school definition of a vaccine is something I take for X and do NOT get X.
It will take years, maybe decades, for scientists to figure out what did or didn't do what? Are less people dying today because of the vaccine, a weaker strain, demographics, etc., etc.
And the verdict is out if any strategy beyond letting it work through society on its own was better. I still give a high probability that the economic and social fall-out from Covid will lead to tens of millions dead in WWIII. No one wants to hear that.
Similar effects are in climate change because Covid has put so many distortions in the global ecnomy, leading to energy shortages, which will make people blind to what's coming, as you have so well described in your other pieces.
There is no vaccine. (I took the shots of course!) Why do people look at me in shock when I say that?